Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, Nov 8

I got the plaque, started feeling a scratchy throat on Friday evening and by Saturday had the fever. Its the garden type variety of the common cold, which I most likely got from the parents who brought it to Utah from somebody they sat next to on the plane. It's amazing how fast these things can spread around the world.

I picked up Karin from the airport last night at 10:30, she had been up over 24 hours coming in from Sweden. And like all travelers from Europe landed in more or less a comotosed state from the long journey. She also brought the snowy weather with her, as I look out the window it's cold and gray outside with a layer of wet snow. The perfect weather for a cold!

Ron from the May Gallery called with news of a small sale, as he put it "Milk Money" Its the church in Bonnieux, Provence that I painted two summers ago.

Richard Boyer

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