Thursday, April 22, 2010


The figures were the main focus for today. I tried to keep the brush strokes clean, so as to define them better. The person in the middle I gave a white shirt to play down the importance and put instead a red coat on the woman to the right. With that in mind your eye now moves over there first and gives a little more dynamics to the painting.

My wife was thinking that the background cliff is too purple and needed some green, but there in lies the dilemma. If I add green it will compete with the green in the water and push the whole cliff too close to the viewer. So I think what it really needs is more atmosphere. If I let it dry another day or so, I could always glaze over it with a slight milky white color and that should push it back more.

We have the crit at my place tonight, it should have been up at Nick's but since he is building an addition down in Moab, he is temporarily out of the picture.

Richard Boyer

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