Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, Dec. 21

Tis the season again, Friday, Saturday and Sunday we were out at holiday festive occasions.

I just have to say, congratulations Kevin for turning 50, we were at his party last night celebrating that milestone event. And I have to add, that it was also a lot of fun meeting people you haven't seen in a while. With our lives always being so busy, you drift apart from the friends you once had close ties to and the joy of coming back together again and talking about the years gone by, be it for just one evening is priceless.................that's why I always carry master card, just kidding! ( I had to throw that in )

Well today it was back to the Amsterdam painting, at the Friday crit session I took notes as the comments flew and ended up with a punch list of all the things that needed work. Some times it can be a real chore trying to write fast enough, as everyone with wine in hand will blurt out solution to the problem at hand. It can very quickly turn into an event much like that of the United Nations, as opinions differ and fly across the room with such velocity to provoke heated rebuttals. Nevertheless in the frenzy I try to write down the various things that need to be addressed.

From the comments I wrote down the following: darker under the trees on right side (thereby making the boats pop more), atmosphere to the bridge, its too dark. Take the boat out of the left side of the canal and fix the size of the white boat on the right side....its too small. Eliminate the notch of sky in the very horizon, the one that comes down towards the canal. Add people. Add more highlights in the water. Trees more yellow. "And for God's sake lighten up the water, What's wrong with you, can't you see that?"

Now I still need to add more people to it, something I could do tomorrow.

Richard Boyer

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