Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, Nov. 23

There is snow on the ground today, so the studio is a lot lighter. We had, "as the weather report calls it", a weak front move through the northern part of the state. Well yesterday evening it started to come down as large flakes and kept snowing for several hours, resulting in a few inches on the ground up where we live. There is one nice thing about a fresh snow fall, especially if the next day in clear, which today is. The sun light reflects off of the white snow illuminating everything outside, as well as inside.

I started a small 16x20 inch painting of three figures in the water today. The Southam Gallery in Salt Lake City just sold a similar 12x16 painting I did of my kids playing in the Baltic Sea. They told me they had several clients in who seemed keen on that subject matter and of course, were wondering if I could paint a few more.

I can take a subtle hint, so I started the first initial block-in to cover the canvas. I'll call it "The Three Sisters" two of them seem timid with the water temperature and the third, being younger , is farther out in the water seemly indifferent to the cold. Tomorrow I will play up the waves and the sunlight reflecting off the water.

The place in is at the very southern coast of Sweden. We were there visiting relatives and spending time doing nothing on the beach!

Richard Boyer

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