Thursday, April 14, 2011


When I was in college I had memories of taking off to southern Utah for Spring break and basking in the warm sunlight of a 75 degree day in a catatonic state of mind. Now, grant it, we were a half dozen college kids stuffed into a car that now a day’s wouldn’t pass inspection. The trunk over filled with cheap beer and bungee corded closed was the norm for hanging out in the desert heat.

With this weekend being spring break for the kids, why o’ why do we have snow flying around in the air. This morning as I walked the dog it was a full on blizzard with snow blowing sideways. The weather report yesterday was saying this fast moving system should have been pushed out of the valley by morning……right !

Tomorrow we are driving down to Goblin Valley to go camping, let’s hope it’s not in wet snow that would be miserable!

Richard Boyer

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