Friday, September 20, 2013


I have officially gone deeper into debt now, one day older and deeper in debt as the song goes.  With the coming of fall break in the schools I decided it was time to take the kids back East, back to where I grew up, to meet family members they have never seen.  So for two and a half grand we are flying back to Buffalo for a week; oddly enough for a few more hundred a ticket we could have flown to Europe.  Buffalo is off the beaten track.

It will be good to show them the sights like Niagara Falls, the old neighborhood and schools.

We had the crit session last night and I worked some more on the southern utah paintings.

This one I really darkened up the foreground to give it the effect of the last light of the day. I sent images of the work to the Southam Gallery, so I'm sure they will be calling soon to have a few.

Richard Boyer

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