Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 8.

I have been working on this large 30x40 view of the town of Gordes in Provence.  It's in the morning light, so most of the town is still in shade with the sun just peeking around the side of the hill.  With all the architecture it seems to be taking a long time. I have found this to be the norm with french and italian mountain top villages. None of the buildings are square having been added onto throughout the last half millennium.  So each day I have been methodically plodding along to capture the feel of the early morning light on the roof-tops, which all seem to be pointing off in different directions. Once I get everything painted in then I can come back and orchestrate the light and shadow better.  The background hills I would like to fade out more to give a better scenes of light.

For the past several weeks I have been working on producing a calendar and found out rather quickly that it is not an easy undertaking.  Through a friend of mine I was introduced to a computer programmer who was able to put it all up on my web site.  I am very grateful for this, since my knowledge of HTML is just enough to get me into serious trouble.
So without further adieu I present my 2013 Calendar called Travels….and it's only $15. think of all your Christmas gifts coming up !!!
Please check out my website and the images I have selected 

and order today


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