Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, Nov.18

Well Ken, who is a local tech expert was able to fix the problems with the blog site.  They had put a calendar at the bottom of the page which pulled the viewer down and also was responsible for misdirecting the links to a spam site.  

An old friend of mine contacted me a while back and wanted a painting done of the Wind River Mountains up in Wyoming. They use to go camping there every summer and he wanted a little 12x16 for the wall. I did a quick block-in over the weekend and started in on the background mountains today. The high peak in the middle there is called Flat Top Mountain, not too inventive with the name!

Richard Boyer

1 comment:

  1. "They had put a calendar at the bottom of the page which pulled the viewer down and also was responsible for misdirecting the links to a spam site"

    Ok, now you've got me curious, Richard.

    "They" who?

    And how could "they" do that?

    Did "they" have access to your Blogger account?

    Nice painting of Flattop, by the way. I have a photo of Flattop with Green River Lake in front. I did a hike into that area in 89. very nice. Saw several moose at the end of the lake. from 84-89, I went to the Winds every summer, but then didn't go for 5 years. last last time (in 95 with Jerry and Don and Kevin, up to Indian basin) we had horses pack our stuff in. When you're not packing the stuff yourself in, you tend to load all kinds of stuff on the horse (poor thing) and then have to carry it back out yourself! (except all the beer you drank and steaks you ate, of course) My pack weighed about 80 pounds coming back out (including climbing gear)

    -- Larry Darkness
