Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 17

I feel like I just got back from a slave labor camp. For the past week I have been up at the cabin, painting in the morning and then working on setting up a sprinkler line through rock in the afternoon.  The ground up there in the mountains is not the fertile nice soft soil we have here down in the valley, but rocks and clay compacted together so hard that the only way to dig a trench is through many hard swings with the pick axe.  After a week of breaking rocks my back and arms are feeling it. But at least I can say we have one water line in the ground for a small section of the garden up there that works now!

In the mornings to save by back from complete destruction I decided to paint.  So I took the Grand Canyon painting along to work on it.  The cliffs were the main area of concentration, the layer upon layer of sandstone and limestone rocks towering thousands of feet above. Yup, only in the Grand Canyon will you find these wonders! 

Before I start sounding like a travel agent I better get the water and foreground beach finished off. That will be tomorrow’s project.

We all went sailing yesterday for Father’s Day; pulled the mothballs out of the old sail boat up at the cabin and hauled it down to Jordanelle Reservoir.  After a few rounds on the water we noticed the boat responding very oddly, just very slow and unresponsive to tacking.  That’s when we noticed all this water in the hull, below the floor deck. We were sinking!  Thank God we had a bail bucket and could at least lighten up some of the water so it would sail right.  When we did finally get it back to the dock and out of the water we noticed a five inch long crack in the hull.  I do believe it is time to get a new boat and finally to either sink this one or retire it to the junkyard.  There seems to be a lot of little cracks forming in this aged relic, so I don’t think it would be worth fixing.

Richard Boyer

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