Meet the newest addition to our household. We still need to find a name for the fuzzy thing ! I just have to keep it from scratching the paintings, since I am the designated caretaker during the day. It has free roam in my studio as long as I keep the door closed. We have another cat in the house that doesn’t like this new adopted child. On the first encounter our cat “Einstein” hissed and growled making it quite apparent that if we were to let go of kitty for even a second it would devour the prey for dinner. Our young kitty is oblivious to this life and death scenario!

I decided to try one more Zorn painting, a study he did of figures in water. The original is quite small, maybe 20x16; but in my case I went with a 24x18. This piece is where he introduced a fifth color into his pallet and used a green. From looking at the original one can tell it was done in one session as a sketch, nothing is really brought into detail and is left up to the viewer’s imagination. I tried my best to the same and figured I’ll let you be the judge of it.

Here is the original by Zorn
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