I sent my digital entry into the A.I.S. show (American Impressionist Society), so we will see what happens. Either I get accepted or I’ll receive the generic form letter of “rejection”. I decided to try the “USS Constitution” piece, so sometime towards the end of July they will decide which paintings get in and post the results.

This morning I worked a little on my “daughter feeding the horse” painting. The arm needed to be fixed, so I repainted a few spots on that and now it doesn’t look as static as it did before. Maybe I could try this in the OPA regional show. Why not go for the double rejection letters!!!
The studio was dark today as some large thunderhead clouds moved over our neighborhood. Soon the wind was blowing large rain droplets against the door and I went out on the porch to watch small tree limbs flying through the air. That’s when I also noticed the UPS package on the porch. A week ago I sent three newer works off to Jim at the Mockingbird Gallery and forgot that he was going to be returning older work.
It’s always a little depressing and fits in quite well with the dark overcast skies to be getting work returned to the artist. Work that you invested so much time into and have now come to the realization that nobody was interested in it. Several weeks of labor and love shot down the drain. It’s time to re-evaluate the paintings and see if I can add something to them. Sometimes this can be fun; it tells me just how much I have learnt since doing these pieces.
Richard Boyer
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