I ended up working on a section of the roof yesterday. The duplex has this small living room window protrusion on the south side and unfortunately during the last wind storm much of the shingles were blown off into the backyard. So up there I spent much of the afternoon freezing with hammer in hand and in typical male fashion, as Karin would say, forgetting to pick up my daughter from school. Lina called home asking where I was and nobody knew? I ended up in the dog house with my wife!
Southam Gallery called and informed me that they have a lawyer, who will be coming into the gallery on Wednesday and that he would like to see a red rock canyon painting to buy for one of the partners leaving the firm. My mission, should I choose to accept it, would be to blast out a
I told them that I would try. I figure its best to seize the opportunity and go for the potential sale, especially the way the economy is now a days.

I worked more on the Brugge painting today and sent off a picture to the Howard/Mandville Gallery. They can then forward it to their client to see if he is even remotely interested, with the option that the artist can still change things around if so desired. My only limitation is that I will not add puppy dogs or pet cats!
Richard Boyer
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