Sunday was one of those relaxing days, where you get to sleep in and enjoy the morning, that is until I met Karin. She had a coffee in hand and mentioned that she needed to study for the day. Markus, our oldest was in dire need of some new pants and having not much luck with the stores downtown, my wife decided on the factory outlet stores up in Park City.
She looked at me as I was trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes, "Looks like Markus needs some new cloths and Park City would be the best spot to get that selection he need?"............ silence then followed as she took another sip from her coffee and read the morning paper. I knew where this was heading. Usually when she announces a chore that needs to be done followed by a pause, it means she is waiting for the classic unsuspecting volunteer to step in. Without thinking and may I add, half asleep. I blurted out, "Well do you want me to take him up there shopping, so you could stay home and study?"
"Oh thank you Richard" was her response before I finished the sentence.
For me shopping for cloths comes someplace between a root canal and a rectal exam form the Proctologist. It's not one of my favorite pass times for a Sunday. Luckily, Markus was thinking along the same lines. We drove up and surgically picked out the stores that would offer the best chances of filling the order. Three pants, two tee-shirts and some long underwear later, we were heading out of the parking lot back to Salt Lake. Total shopping time was under an hour, if my wife had been there, we would have been lucky getting it done under three hours!
Mondays project was a block-in for the May Gallery, they wanted a vertical piece for the show, so I decided on a view I had of the town of Gordes in Provence.

I'll work some more on it today and try to define the buildings better. There are still a few compositional elements that need to be fixed up. I'm not to thrilled about the row of houses at the bottom, that need to change!
Richard Boyer
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