With a fresh cup of coffee in hand I once again moved the dog out of the way to start the morning session! She just stared at me like I was speaking Chinese. I'm always reminded of Winnie-the-Pooh, who calls himself, the bear with very little brain!
So last night I took the kids to scouts, which just so happens to be every Wednesday evening. There I met one of the scouts parents David Lester, who happened to be smiling at me. He follows my blog "Soooo, how are you feeling Richard?"
He caught me off guard, I didn't think anyone follows an artists blog! I answered back "just fine, I think its getting better." Referring to the cold I mentioned about in my last entry.
With crystal ball clarity he explained. "Oh, your not done with it yet, if its anything like I had, it will move down into your chest and you'll cough for weeks on end!"
"Thanks David, thats just what I wanted to hear!"
Well if its any consultation, I do feel better and it doesn't seem to be working its way into my chest. In fact to prove it I'll go up this afternoon and do a little track skiing and that I have to add, really gets the lungs to work overtime.
According to the Julian time clock, the Mayan calenders and the Archaeoastronomy charts tonights crit session falls upon the lovely home of Rose and Nick Rees. Which also means most likely no broken wine glasses! This also means an opportunity to sell
Lina, my daughter is in the girl scouts and once again it is that time of season when they come out in full force to sell their plethora of cookies. So tonight and only tonight I'll play Lina's sales rep. and push the cockie orders on the crit members. How often do you get the chance to order your case loads of Thin Mints, Samoas, Do-Si-Dos and Lemon Chalet Cremes. Each box of Girl Scout delight is only $3.50, but a word of warning will be said; payment is required with each order in advance and the preferred method is the classic check book. No facsimiles please.
Actually we do have some friends that order case loads of the cookies, especially the thin mints. Hey, what can I say I usually get two cases myself, you can actually freeze them until summer time!

Today I just took my time and worked a little on the figures on the left side. The guy in the green tee-shirt I still need to fix, at least make the shirt more interesting. The waitress in the back ground also needs a facial make-over. All of this will become apparent during the cold harsh reality of the crit session tonight.
I'm off now to load the skate skis in the car and prove David wrong!
Richard Boyer
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